Important message to our patients

If you have flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough or difficulty breathing, have recently travelled to identified hotspots or overseas, or have been in contact with someone that has COVID-19 or experiences flu-like symptoms, please avoid walk-in appointments.

Together, we can continue to stop the spread.

Take the hassle out of Healthcare

Call: (07) 4772 6222
18 Bayswater road, Hyde Park QLD

Monday -Thursday 7:30am — 5:30pm
Friday8:30am — 5:30pm
Saturday8:00am — 1:00pm

Make an online bookingBook now

BetterConsult is here

We’re excited to announce that the doctors at our practice now use BetterConsult to help you get the most out of your appointment.

BetterConsult is a “smart” pre-consultation questionnaire that asks the questions your doctor usually asks about the reason for your visit. It then prepares a summary for your doctor.

What does this mean for you?   

By knowing this information at the start of your appointment, your doctor can spend more of your time focussed on addressing your healthcare needs.

Filling out BetterConsult prior to your appointment also helps you think through what you would like to address with your doctor.

 How does it work?

You will receive an SMS from our practice the day before your appointment (or immediately if your appointment is within 24 hours of booking) with a link to your pre-consultation questionnaire.

When you receive the SMS, simply

    1. Click the secure link in the SMS
    2. Complete the BetterConsult questionnaire

BetterConsult protects your medical information

With BetterConsult your medical information is private, confidential and totally secure, to meet and exceed Australian data privacy legislation.

For more information, please view the FAQs.

Our specialist services

Other services

General Medical care
Women’s Health
Children’s Health
Men’s Health
Indigenous Health
Close the Gap programme
Mental Health
Healthy Kids Check
Elderly Health Assessments
Indigenous Health Assessments
Travel Health incl. Yellow Fever

We also support our local services near the medical centre